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Posted by Matt Adler on October 06, 2001 at 09:55:51:

Last night I went to see Serendipity and in the first act of the movie there is a exterior scene right outside of the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City where John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale walk past a TubaChristmas performance. All of the players are wearing red marching band-style uniforms and in the middle of their conversation, John Cusack just stares at them and says in awe "That's a lot of tubas!" I couldn't stop laughing. (until my girlfriend threatened to sit in another row because I was embarrassing her...) I can't recall what song they are playing but they sounded great, especially the euphoniums. Unfortunately, their performance did not find its way onto the soundtrack. Anyone know who did this? Just curious. Oh... there is also another scene a few minutes later showing the TubaChristmas participants packing up and leaving on a bus in the background. Just thought everyone would like to know. It's a really good movie and worth seeing even if it didn't have a tuba reference. Of course we all know that tuba references really help movies to be great: Wonder Boys, Mr. Holland's Opus, Serendipity. (I think we will all try to forget Charlie’s Angels.)


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