Re: Re: when should one get serious

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Posted by Rick Denney on March 11, 2003 at 13:16:49:

In Reply to: Re: when should one get serious posted by Doug Whitten on March 11, 2003 at 01:36:11:

Studies of prodigies have shown that the one factor they possessed that other kids their age do not is drive. They are compelled by some inner voice to work at it when others think of it as a chore. These kids need to be in the hands of a top teacher--without it, they wither.

But it has to be the student leading the charge. The parents of prodigies are often trying to think of ways to broaden their child because of his or her relentless, single-minded pursuit of their talent.

For everyone else, I agree with Doug.

Rick "who thinks the kid ought to choose for elective activities, including music, with wise guidance but not demands from external sources" Denney

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